The game just loses so many points for the SERIOUSLY aggravating elevator controls. Firstly, the animation that occurs when you switch floors, with the little pause and the doors having to close and open? That can go fuck itself in the asshole with a rusty nail. Secondly, I should not have to drag it precisely to exactly the floor I want it to go to. I should be able to just "throw" the elevator downwards with a vague downwards mouse movement, and it should drop down one floor. This is a fast paced game, you can't be asking your players to pull off that kind of precision.
There should also be a keyboard hot-key to "call" the nearest elevator to your floor, and you should be able to use the up/down, W/S keys to move a "default" elevator up and down (this would be mostly useful early on while you're still learning and don't have very good weapons).
No quality button earns you my scorn. No save feature earns you my perplexed scorn. I mean, seriously? Even Defend Your Castle had a save feature, and that game was made in what, 2004? So those need to be added.
So, summary of what really needs to fixed:
- Remove. The fucking. Close door/Open door elevator animation.
- Implement the whole "vague mouse gesture" thing that I mentioned. This isn't as big a deal as item one, though.
- Seriously, remove that fucking obnoxiously superfluous animation and you'll fix half the gameplay problems already.
- Add a quality button, and also optimize your code or your graphics or something - if the guys who made Seed Of Destruction got it to run smoothly on high settings, so should everyone. Unless bitmaps take less processing power than vector art.
- Add a save function. Seriously, what the hell?
- ...so, we're clear on removing that animation I mentioned? Ok, just making sure.
Other than that, alot better than the pretentious crap you usually produce. No offense, it's just there's more to making a good game than having a novel little "innovative" gameplay gimmick in it.